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Therapy Is for everyone.

Sometimes you just want to talk about everyday life in a space of no judgement and total confidentiality. Just to feel better and lighter. If you are looking to do that.. Please connect with me. Going to a therapist  only if you are going through some trauma is passé in the nowadays world.. It is important to release your emotions too on a regular basis. It's just like.. How you take a bath everyday to clean your body.. You have to clear your heart and mind too to keep them clean. Just like you clear your dustbin of garbage everyday , you have to clear your mind too of clutter and wasteful thoughts.


If not cleared , these emotions will create energy blocks in your body. These blocks will manifest as Dis- Ease in your body like diabetes, skin issues, headaches, vertigo, aches and pains in different parts of your body, indigestion, irregular menstruation cycle. And so many more.


Choosing not to express your issues with an expert in the field is basically choosing to not medically treat  an open wound. It will become septic and cause infection. But just because you cannot see thoughts and emotions which overwhelm you... Doesn't mean they are not there. Many others in your family may not understand your predicament. But you know it.. Because it goes on inside Your HEAD.


So love yourself more. And live a life WITHOUT overwhelm and over thinking and any other not feel good feelings.

What does it mean to Open Your Mind Spiritually ?

I understand where you are coming from.. Questions like what am I going to gain by doing this.. Why should I do this.. Maybe I won't witness any change in my life..
All your doubts and indecisiveness and fears come from your ego self.. And your ego doesn't want you to come out of your comfort zone.
When you sign up with me.. You are going to start pushing boundaries.. Releasing the old you.. Embracing the new you..

(You are exactly going to let go of  your lacks, of your incapability to make decisions , of your feelings of being unloved, unwanted, or of  being all alone).

You are ready to do it.. But your mind will put doubts and will block you from your own progression... This is called self sabotage..
If you want to release your old patterns .. Shed your old skin of negative thinking.. And start to live a life from a space of being loved and being connected to the divine at all times.. Then this program is for you.

I am connecting with you as we have done the spadework of the sessions which is a pre requisite to doing this program.
With Me as your Spirit Guide and Mentor Start on your amazing road of self discovery and connection to yourself...
With Me as your Spirit Guide and Mentor..  It will open up all the closed doors in your life.. As everything is connected.. Your internal mind ,thoughts , emotions are connected to and show up in the outside through the manifestation of , healthy relationships with your family, your romantic relationships, your work, your abundance, your happiness, your energy, your health, your overall life..

Ultimately you need to do what's right for you.
Nothing is going to change until you do.
The Universe sends you openings when it knows your ready for it.
So  take the call. Answer it...
Listen to your higher self..
Understand that It is a blessing from the divine.

Draw the boundary between work and life.

When everything in your life is synced with every instrument, then you lose the sanctity of life. Use the phone as a phone and for messages from friends and family or to listen to music or apps for your health. Keep your personal and work instruments separate. So when your on the phone on a Sunday you can read only messages from friends and family. The reason to do this is simple. 


We have no control over our minds and fingers. If your phone is synced with your official email, you will open that Mail on your phone... So if it is not.. You will have to open it on your laptop which means you will be able to segregate the time for everything, instead of merging all things together. Which results into stress and drain of energy.


So try it. Don't touch your work phone on a holiday . Make it a rule. That will work with the mind. As the mind follows rules. The mind is not ready / prepared to be synced for all types of situations all at  one time. Like it is not ready to handle work issues mixed with personal problems and emotions at the same time. When this happens it prepares the body to be in a constant state of fight or flight. This causes stress and anxiety mentally as well as physically.


Keep the sanctity of work and pleasure and relaxation separate.. As each is sacred in its own time. Keep the instruments separate ..If you mix them up ... You don't enjoy either.

ALLOW, yourself.

Sometimes when things are not happening and you are swimming against the tide and gritting your teeth , willing for that particular thing to happen... This could be in case of getting a new job, or a promotion or getting new work or getting more clients or in case of a relationship - you are hoping against hope it will workout...or any situation I life right now that is not happening according to your timing-


You have to understand and do one thing--



Doubting & Ego

I understand where you are coming from.. Questions like what am I going to gain by doing this.. Why should I do this.. Maybe I won't witness any change in my life..
All your doubts and indecisiveness and fears come from your ego self.. And your ego doesn't want you to come out of your comfort zone.
When you sign up with me.. You are going to start pushing boundaries.. Releasing the old you.. Embracing the new you..

(You are exactly going to let go of  your lacks, of your incapability to make decisions , of your feelings of being unloved, unwanted, or of  being all alone).

You are ready to do it.. But your mind will put doubts and will block you from your own progression... This is called self sabotage..
If you want to release your old patterns .. Shed your old skin of negative thinking.. And start to live a life from a space of being loved and being connected to the divine at all times.. Then this program is for you..
Iam connecting with you as we have done the spadework of the sessions which is a pre requisite to doing this program.
with me as your Spirit Guide and Mentor Start on your amazing road of self discovery and connection to yourself...
with me as your Spirit Guide and Mentor..  It will open up all the closed doors in your life.. As everything is connected.. Your internal mind ,thoughts , emotions are connected to and show up in the outside manifestation  of .....Healthy relationships with your family, your romantic relationships, your work, your abundance, your happiness, your energy, your health, your overall life..
Ultimately you need to do what's right for you.
Nothing is going to change until you do.
The Universe sends you openings when it knows your ready for it.
So  take the call..Answer it...
Listen to your higher self..
Understand that It is a blessing from the divine ....

Surrendering to the divine.

What is anxiety .. Why does it happen . What is depression .. What is lack of motivation in life. Why does it happen why do we become in despair. Why do we want to kill ourselves when you feel that there is no way out . When you feel that this is the end of the road for you.. When the situation is not going the way you planned. But in all of this did you notice we are talking about You You... But who are you.. Why would you give so much importance to yourself. This happens when you are disconnected from the soul..when you come from a place of ego.. When you think on a micro level of only yourself and your problems in life. And you choose not to live life the way it has been given to you. So acceptance of a situation is the key. And second is surrender.. Surrender to the universe or the Divine Energy / Power. Because if you are in this situation only The Divine knows Why.. Not you.. So why trouble your little self trying to understand. Just surrender to the divine wisdom And let the situation work out for itself. Being okay with how the situation pans out and yet not giving up on your faith will take you across your challenges in life.

Work/life balance

When everything in your life is synced with every instrument" . Then you lose the sanctity of life. Use the phone as a phone and for messages from friends and family or to listen to music or apps for your health. Keep your personal and work instruments separate. So when your on the phone on a Sunday you can read only messages from friends and family. The reason to do this is simple.  We have no control over our minds and fingers. If your phone is synced with your official email, you will open that Mail on your phone... So if it is not.. You will have to open it on your laptop which means you will be able to segregate the time for everything, instead of merging all things together. Which results into stress and drain of energy. So try it
. Don't touch your work phone on a holiday . Make it a rule. That will work with the mind. As the mind follows rules. The mind is not ready / prepared to be synced for all types of situations all at  one time. Like it is not ready to handle work issues mixed with personal problems and emotions at the same time. When this happens it prepares the body to be in a constant state of fight or flight. This causes stress and anxiety mentally as well as physically. Keep the sanctity of work and pleasure and relaxation separate.. As each is sacred in its own time. Keep the instruments separate ..If you mix them up ... You don't enjoy either.

Book a Free 15 minutes Consult !!

Contact Details 


Contact Number -

+91 9923654369


Mon - Fri: 11 am - 8 pm

Saturday:  11 am - 6 pm

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© 2020 Monica K. The Spiritual Solutions

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